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Southford Falls Hiking Trail in Southbury, CT

Thanks to all who came to the Southford Falls trail on April 29th. It was fun and a good work out :) I still have high hopes that we will hike Caleb's Peak sometimes this year. Our next hike will be at Hop Brook Lake in Naugatuck, CT.

Here are some pictures from the hike:

Getting ready for the hike at Southford Falls
Just getting ready for the hike.

Posing for hike at Southford Falls
The Money Shot.

Marcin and Todd at Southford Falls
Marcin and Todd

Southford Falls
Southford Falls
Southford Falls. The water is pretty brown, but it's not bad. Good flow of water.

The tower at Southford Falls
We made it to the top of the tower. Left to right: Marcin, Karen, Erik, Evan, Noah.

Hiking at Southford Falls
Left to right: Noah, Todd, Samira, Karen, Marcin, Erik, Sarah.

Pink Sunglass at Southford Falls
This was totally random. This was there and we left it there.

Basement Systems Group at Southford Falls
This is at the end of the hike. Left to right: Karen, Sarah, David, Rick, Christina, Noah, Marcin, Erik, Evan and Todd.

If you are in the Basement Systems building, more photos can be found in the marketing drive: m/hiking pictures/
