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Fortune Cookie Quotes

Fortune Cookie Quotes Database

Title: Fortune Cookie Quotes

Fortunecookiemessage.com is one of a kind website dedicated to collect only fortune cookie messages. The site is set up so that users can submit fortune cookie quotes after they had a nice chinese meal for lunch or dinner.

Along with cookie quote, I have set up database tables to capture lotto numbers, daily pick3 numbers and even chinese translations from the back of the cookie message. So, when you click on OPEN A COOKIE, you get a fortune as well as one chinese translation, lotto number and pick3 number just like a normal fortune cookie :)

This site is very popular on the web and how do I know that? It's linked from Wikipedia. I've also researched to see who links to this site and I was surprised to find that one university instructor uses this site as credible source to find cookie quotes for student's thesis paper, lol. Now, that's cool!!!

Now, the site has some more cool features such as weekly fortune cookie quote in your email box. So the site will spit out a cookie, along with chinese translation, lotto number, and pick3 number every Monday at 2:00am. So, please sign up to my automated fortune cookie email service :)

Visit website: FortuneCookieMessage.com
