Basement Systems Wins 2007 BBB Marketing Award
I am proud to say that the website I work on 5 days a week got an award for being the BEST website in Connecticut in 2007 :)
[Read details about the award]
Halloween 2007 at Basement Systems, Inc
Some picture from Basement Systems Halloween Costume Contest. Goofing around at work :)
[View the pictures]
I love Connecticut... because of Fall
As I drive from work to home or going to work, I take the Route 8 which is surrounded with high hilly mountains and LOTS and LOTs of trees. So, yesterday as I was driving by, I took some pictures of the trees and yellow orangie leaves. lol driving and taking pictures... NOT RECOMMENDED!!!
[View the pictures]
Creation of this page:
lol, I'm creating a page talking about how & when I have created this page. Yea that's pretty gay...